I never thought I would say this, but I love blogging! I just have to find the time to keep up with everyone else's blogs. That said, I focused on wikis in this article. In regards to Web 2.0, I am in "the entertainers" category, and hope to quickly move into "the search for techniques to foster more productive use of information" category as well as "the rising importance of knowledge workers" category.
Regarding Blogs, I love the fact that I can post something and if someone wants to read it, they can. Similar to an email that can be deleted if it's not relevant, blogs can put the information out there for those who are interested. I think it was Danah Boyd in the "Culture of Connectivity" video that stated just because it's on a blog, doesn't mean that it's being followed. I do often have things that I need to tell a vast amount of people, from different avenues of my life: home, family, school, work, kids, etc. It would have been so easy, say when relaying obituary information or Lindsey's softball/Arianna's theatre/recital information, to post it on my blog instead of going through email contact lists in the hopes that I wouldn's miss anyone. Of course, making sure that others are following is key, and is something to work towards in the future: getting the word about blogs out there.
For wikis, I could see this coming in quite handy in law firms, my prior occupation. I can't tell you how many trees were destroyed by the endless amount of paper copies of documents being faxed to and from firms with input. Of course, it got to be frustrating when those changes, marked in red on one end, came out the standard black and white on the receivers end. My only concern with this is the control over who is editing/inputing the information, basically the security of the information. I was glad to see that this issue was addressed under policy management. I am eager to review the blogs from the "knowledgeable people" listed in this article.
Am glad you have found blogging to be a satisfying experience.